Awareness and safety are at the top of our list of concerns here at Roseville Auto Care, even more so with all the recall scare that happens in the news. We think a well-maintained car is a safe car that can also save you money in the long run. Here are our top ten tips for keeping your family safe, saving you money, and keeping your car running smoothly.
At Roseville Auto Care in Roseville, we understand that safety and driving comfort are largely dependent on truck maintenance. Driving in the rain can be a hassle, especially if your vehicle isn’t prepared.
Essentially, there are a few things you can do to ease the burden of driving in the rain. Keep good quality windshield wipers installed, maintain a clean windshield, and regularly coat your windshield with Rain-X or comparable water-resistant chemicals. If applied properly, water-resistant coatings will dramatically increase visibility on rainy days. Quality windshield wipers, in good condition, are equally effective.
If your wipers don’t completely wipe away water with each pass, get them replaced. Driving in the rain is hard enough; inadequate equipment to deal with the situation only makes it that much more difficult. A clean windshield also goes a long way...rain won’t wash off the dirt that has had adequate time to adhere to your glass.
If you need new wipers, bring your truck to Roseville Auto Care and let one of our experienced technicians get you fixed up. No matter your repair or maintenance needs, our team has you covered.
Fuel economy isn't far from the minds of our Roseville drivers and we hear these questions daily such as: Why can certain cars zip along at close to 40 mpg while others are lucky to get anywhere near 20? As it turns out, there are as many factors that go into how well your ride does at the pumps! Here are the 10 factors that have the greatest impact on fuel consumption that we would like to share with you.
There are multiple types of tires on the market for almost every car, truck, or SUV. Once you decide it's time to replace your tires, the choice can be overwhelming. The type of tire you want depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you drive. At Roseville Auto Care in Roseville, CA, our technicians have been trained to help you make that choice. Here’s a short rundown of common street tires that will suit your needs.
If you drive a lightweight car, truck, or SUV, the torque converter you have installed is probably just fine. For those of you with more heavy-duty applications, like high horsepower setups or towing rigs, the stock converter may not be enough. At Roseville Auto Care in Roseville, CA, we can help you determine if your torque converter is right for the job you need to be done.
The type of tire you want on your fleet or commercial vehicle depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you use the vehicle. There are multiple tire styles for most applications, and one of them is right for you. At Roseville Auto Care in Roseville, CA, we’re ready to help you make your choice. If you’d like to narrow it down before you come see us, here’s a short rundown of common tires that will meet your specific need.
Car enthusiasts would argue that "those were the days". Everything you drove was built like a tank and had the chrome on it so you enjoyed washing it but NO power steering. For most of us, it is hard to remember life without power steering – cranking those great big steering wheels? It was a pretty good workout. Now power steering is standard. The heart of any power steering system is its pump. The pump pressurizes the power steering fluid that provides assistance for steering. Most pumps are driven by a belt that is run by the engine – a few are electrically powered. A high-pressure hose passes fluid from the pump to the steering gear. A low-pressure hose returns the fluid back to the pump. Here at Roseville Auto Care in Roseville, CA we know that you depend on that power steering and check your fluid & hoses religiously!
When a vehicle has trouble starting, many people initially blame the starter. What is the starter, and how do you know if yours has called it quits? At Roseville Auto Care in Roseville, CA, we want to keep you informed, and telling you what to look for will prevent further damage when issues arise. The starter is essentially just an electric motor; a gear at the end of that electric motor engages the flywheel, which turns the engine over, allowing it to start. How do you know if yours is failing?
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